We are using the Clarius L7 diagnostic ultrasound machine. The L7 has Pulsed wave doppler and Elastography. We use Pulsed wave doppler to find any degree of diminished blood flow in and out of the head. We measure before and immediately after an Atlas adjustment. If the only blockage is at the atlas level the person feels profound improvement. We use Ultrasound and 3D rendering of multiphase CT angiograms to find all the restrictions.
Elastography measures the hardness or softness of soft tissue. It was developed to determine the hardness of the liver due to stage pathology.
We are using it to confirm the relaxation of muscle tension and nerve roots in the upper cervical spine with the Atlas Orthogonal instrument.
The measurements in the below picture are of blood leaving the head in Centimeters per second. This person’s left jugular vein is being choked by the omohyoid tendon. This happened after a whiplash injury and was missed. Imagine putting your thumb on the end of your garden hose to make it spray under high pressure. The speed goes up but the volume goes down. This is what happened to her. She was being choked internally and dismissed by her doctors for 5 years. The 93 with the arrow down is the high speed narrow spray. The 59 with arrow up is the blood going in the wrong direction at high speed. I wrote zero at the top because the wave form was mostly flat with the occasional blip of blood.

The above image is of a woman that started slurring her words and choking on food and water.
You are looking at severely enlarged jugular veins on both sides that are compressing both vagus nerves and both recurrent laryngeal nerves. We used ultrasound to evaluate the jugulars before we ordered this CTV imaging. With the ultrasound we found they we under great pressure and not compressible at all. Normal veins can collapse under slight finger pressure. We referred her to our favorite thoracic surgeon. He found and released fibrotic bands behind the clavicles. Afrewards the veins collapsed easily. We believe these entrapments were from an old car accident that just tightened up over time. Immediately after the surgery the gag reflex was restored. However, we are still waiting and praying for her nerves to regenerate.
What is special about Dr. Middleton’s physical exam?
- Dr.Middleton personalizes the exam for every significant mechanism of injury the person has ever gone through. By doing this he finds every ligament that does not have normal stabilizing function.
- The forces of new injuries transmit through old fault lines from old injuries. Therefore no two people have the same body of injuries nor are they treated the same.

Testing ligaments and Muscles
We put the person in all the positions that increase the symptoms and cause the muscles to
go weak. Then we find out which ligament needs to be supported to make the person feel better and restore muscle strength. Strength improves when the neurological injury is prevented. The muscle stays weak until the correct correction is found.

Lab tests
There are a lot of lab tests we do that have not become mainstream yet. Many of these tests check things not important to an insurance company. Therefore, insurance will not pay.

Frank Snipes M.D. Board Certified in Internal Medicine
An old school doctor with real compassion. He is anointed to solve the most difficult problems. He often says, “All the previous doctors had to do was slow down and care and they would have solved this”. He will give you all the time necessary for you to be heard and to figure out what is really going on.
I was on sleeping pills for over 2 years and kept having the dosage reduced because I was always waking up sleepy and had a brain fog.
They tested me and told me to go buy DopaBean. I took 3 that night and slept better than I ever have the last few years. Since then I am off the sleeping pills.
— Dorel